Roses from Specialist Rose Growers
Welcome to Garden Roses. Our nurseries can be found at Pococks Roses of Romsey, Hampshire, and The Cornish Rose Company near Truro, Cornwall, where we grow only the best roses for your garden, focusing on healthy, vigorous varieties that will thrive without too much effort on your part.
Established in 1984, every year we produce from our fields in excess of 60,000 rose plants in a range of over 450 varieties, so there should be something from our wide range to interest you.
So, whether you want climbing, rambling or bush roses, or you’d prefer patio, ground cover or historic, old varieties, you can buy roses from us with complete confidence.
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Some of Our Favourites
Visit Our Hampshire Nursery

Pococks Roses is a small nursery dedicated to growing nothing else but roses for the garden…
Visit Our Cornwall Nursery

Our aim in Cornwall is to grow good, healthy varieties that will withstand Cornwall’s damp climate…