JASMINA (climber)JASMINA (climber)JASMINA (climber)

JASMINA (climber)

Our Ref No : 283 £18.50
Fragrance Level:3
Garden Rating:4
Gift Wrapping Service

> Bare Root & Potted - Not sure which to choose?

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Violet, cup-shaped blooms in large clusters, with a strong musky fragrance. Very healthy and quite a bushy grower for a climber. Highly recommended.
A fragrant, repeat-flowering climber with excellent disease-resistance. Old-fashioned, cupped blooms of violet and pink are produced in abundance thru' summer and autumn. Dense, slightly glossy foliage covers the canes and acts as a frame for the large clusters of 10 to 15 sweetly fragrant flowers. Height 3mt. Bred by Kordes in 2005.

Delivery Information and Costs

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