SPICY PARFUMA (hybrid tea)SPICY PARFUMA (hybrid tea)SPICY PARFUMA (hybrid tea)

SPICY PARFUMA (hybrid tea)

Our Ref No : 1541 £18.75
Option: Potted
Fragrance Level:4
Garden Rating:4
Height:MEDIUM: to 1mt
Gift Wrapping Service

> Bare Root & Potted - Not sure which to choose?

> Important Delivery Information

An intensely fragrant hybrid tea rose with an erect habit. High-centred blooms are borne singly on long stems One of the Parfuma family of roses bred by Kordes of Germany.
An intensely fragrant hybrid tea rose with an erect habit. High-centred blooms are borne singly on long stems. Soft pink buds open to richly petalled blooms with an intense apricot centre. Bred by Kordes Roses.

Delivery Information and Costs

For full information and costs please view our delivery page here for full details.